A 59-year-old truck driver presents to the emergency department after returning from his usual week-long trucking trip with excruciating pain around his anus. The patient admits to drinking beer when not working and notes that his meals usually consist of fast food. He has no allergies, takes no medications, and his vital signs are normal. On examination, he was found to have a tender lump on the right side of his anus that measures 1 cm in diameter. The lump is bluish and surrounded by edema. It is visible without the aid of an anoscope. It is soft and tender with palpation. The rest of the man’s history and physical examination are unremarkable. Which vein drains the vessels responsible for the formation of this lump?
A. Internal hemorrhoids
B. Internal pudenal
C. Inferior mesenteric
D. Superior rectal
E. Middle rectal